This weeks journal prompt is:
I love to eat my favorite snack because…
I love to eat my favorite snack because it helps my sugar craving. What is it? Reese Cups! They are my all time favorite snack. I don't buy them usually because I know I'd eat them. But, Adam loves them too. He's not concerned with his weight, so he buys the all the time. Usually a big bag. So there usually sitting on the counter top. I've been doing pretty good just walking by them this past week. I am proud of myself. Because usually I will eat 4,5,6 pieces, but I've been able to control myself with only 2 if I do break down for one. I can't deny myself because then I crave it even more and eat more than I should. I think it's healthy to respond to a craving, as long as it's moderated.
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