Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 5 - June 2009 30 Day Self Challenge

5. Make New Friends!

Support is a great weight loss motivation technique. Surrounding yourself with people you care about and who care about you will help you to stay motivated. Tell your family and friends about wanting to lose weight. They will be your best weight loss motivation. Make sure your group is supportive and not drill instructors. You want their support not their disappointment.

Sometimes dieting can be a real pain. That's when we need a diet buddy to turn to.
Someone to remind us about the benefits of losing weight. Someone to help us stick to our diet plan.

Many dieters don't bother with this kind of weight loss support. They try to lose weight on their own. Which is one reason why they quit dieting and stay overweight. Don't make the same mistake. Get a diet buddy.

Choose someone with a motivation to lose weight that is equal to or higher than yours. If your regular diet buddy is losing interest in losing weight, find someone else.

If all else fails, join a weight loss forum and find an online diet buddy. It's well worth doing, because having a diet buddy makes a huge difference to your general motivation and weight loss.

