Today I decided not to over due it like I did yesterday. I did the low workout, but I still ended up sweating and grabbing my water bottle. I love this game! I really recommend it!
Here is my report for today...
156.4 Calories Burned
23 Minutes Of Workout Time
Completed 18/18 Exercises
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Day 2 - 30 Day Challenge EA Sports Active
Day 30 - June 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
1. Rewarding Yourself!
2. 5 Minute Workouts!
3. Stress Eating!
4. Low Calorie Meals!
5. Make New Friends!
6. Lunch Break Walk!
7. Chocolate Craving Fix!
8. Boost Your Happiness Emergency!
9. How To Keep Exercising!
10. Eat A Rainbow Of Foods!
11. Eat More Weigh Less!
12. Motivation - A Thinner You!
13. Fitness Online Programs!
14. Celebrating
15. Boredom Eating!
16. Fun Workout Ideas!
17. The 12 Commandments of Goal Setting!
18. 10 Questions To Ask Yourself!
19. Going Out Of The House!
20. Self Respect!
21. Play With The Kids!
22. What's In Soda!
23. Exercising Before, During & After Pregnancy!
24. Counting Points, Calories etc!
25. Journal Your Thoughts & Feelings!
26. Swimming!
27. Eating At A BBQ!
28. Clothes Shopping!
29. Hitting A Goal!
30. Create a 30 day Self Challenge for the next month!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Day 1 - 30 Day Challenge EA Sports Active
Today was my first day on the 30 Day Challenge from EA Sports Active. OMG! Only minutes into it I started sweating and I had to grab a bottle of water. Of course I did the intense workout. This is the best piece of equipment I've ever bought. My body feels like I got a great workout.
Here is my report for today...
236.1 Calories Burned
38 Minutes Of Workout Time
Completed 18/18 Exercises
The only thing I had trouble with was the inline skating. My legs felt like they were ready to collapse. But all in all it was fun!
Day 29 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
Self acceptance is being loving and happy with who you are NOW. Some call it self-esteem, others self-love, but whatever you call it, you'll know when your accepting yourself cause it feels great. Its an agreement with yourself to appreciate, validate, accept and support who you are at this very moment, even those parts you’d like to eventually change. This is important...even those parts you'd eventually like to change. Yes, you can accept (be okay with) those parts of yourself you want to change some day.
The Motivation Behind Your Lack of Acceptance
If acceptance feels so good and is so good for us, then why don’t we accept ourselves? The answer is motivation. We use our lack of acceptance (punishment - cause it feels bad) as motivation to get us to do, not do, be, and not be what we think we should. Many people believe that if they accepted themselves as they are, they wouldn’t change or that they wouldn’t work on becoming more of who they want to be.Typically, we judge ourselves unfavorably with the hope it will motivate us to change. We hope if we feel bad enough about ourselves, that maybe that will motivate us to change. Does this work? Sometimes, but only short term. Most times all it does is cause us to feel bad which saps the energy you might have used to make changes. It can be a vicious cycle. It works exactly counter to what you wanted to do.
So if it doesn’t work, why do we keep doing it? Because we hope it will work. And if you don’t know any other way to change, what options do you have? We’ve been trained to believe that in order to change, we need to first feel bad about it. That if we’re accepting and loving of that particular quality, that we won’t do anything to change the situation, which is not true! You don’t have to be unhappy with yourself to know and actively change those things you’d like to change about yourself. Acceptance is actually the very first step in the process of change.“Acceptance allows change. The 'acceptance mode' includes everything, even my judgments. It allows me to be okay now, even before I reach my goals.”
“When you begin to accept yourself the way you are right now, you begin a new life with new possibilities that did not exist before because you were so caught up in the struggle against reality that that was all you could do.”
Think of acceptance of yourself like being okay with where you live now. You may want a bigger house one day. You may dream about that new home. But there ARE advantages to living in a smaller home if you only took the time to think about it. It is possible to be happy with the home you're in now, while still dreaming and working to make your new home a reality.
Process Of Acceptance
Acceptance exists at the core of your being. It is your default status. In order to reach this base level of acceptance, you need only remove the items laying on top. To do this, you must first identify all the things you do not accept about yourself. Then, one by one, eliminate them by examining and questioning your beliefs around that issue.
- Know yourself and your beliefs
- Take a good hard look at your honesty level
- Know you are doing the best you can
- Relax your value judgments
- Examine guilt
- Understand your motivations
- Ask yourself questions about what you don't accept
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Day 28 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
Ever though of making your own facial? I never really thought about it, but I'm going to try it. Here is a list of links of different kind of facial recipes to try!
All Skin Types
Homemade Clay Mask for All Skin TypesThis clay mask will make skin super soft.
Yogurt Face Mask for All Skin Types
This refreshing face mask is made up of only 2 ingredients.
Oatmeal and Yogurt Mask for All Skin Types
This is a great basic face mask that includes just 3 basic ingredients.
Homemade 'Cat Litter' Mask for All Skin Types
We got this recipe off a TV show years ago. The beauty expert (Diane Irons) swore cat litter is made of the same ingredients as special clays found in $100 spa facials. We tried this and loved it.
Oily, Acne-Prone Skin
Banana Mask for Oily Skin This recipe requires super-ripe bananas and a bit of honey. Homemade Juice Mask for Oily Skin
Strawberry and lemon juice contain natural astringents.
Green Clay Mask for Oily Skin Types
This clay mask will help draw out excess sebum from pores.
Homemade Clay Mask for Oily or Acne-Prone Skin
Clay masks help neutralize skin. You can pick up clay from any health-food store.
Simple Mask for Oily, Acne-Prone Skin
Recipe adapted from Paula Begoun's 'The Beauty Bible.'
Combination Skin
Homemade Face Mask for Combination SkinA rose-based mask is perfect for balancing out the oily and dry areas of your skin.
Dry, Chapped Skin
Homemade Face Mask for Dry SkinAvocados and honey are particularly moisturizing.
Homemade Milk Mask for Dry Skin
Aging Skin
Homemade Face Mask for Aging Skin Homemade Face Mask for Dry Skin
Avocados and honey are particularly moisturizing for mature skin.
Sensitive Skin
Homemade Face Mask for Sensitive SkinThis soothing mask is great for chapped, sunburned or irritated skin.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day 27 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
1000 calories can be burned in a day easily by planning correctly. You can burn 1000 calories a day in divided sessions or at one time. However burning 1000 calories in 2 or 3 divided sessions will be wiser than to struggle at one time. The type of activity you choose is important than just how to burn 1000 calories a day.
For example you can burn up to 900 calories in sauna just in 30 minutes. But will the calories burned in this way contribute to weight loss or more importantly body fat loss? No, so you need to be practical if you want to lose 1000 calories per day. If you choose other aerobic exercises like running, jogging, swimming, stair treadmill, dancing, tennis, basketball, rollerblading, or hiking then it will prove beneficial.
Supposing you weigh 160 pounds and practice rollerblading twice a day for just 35 minutes you can easily burn 1000 calories per day. If you jog once in the morning and once in the evening for an hour at the speed of 5 miles then you can burn 584 calories per session. This means you burn more than 1000 calories a day. Stair treadmill can burn around 657 calories in an hour, so if you are unable to take time out twice a day, you can walk on a treadmill for a long period of time to burn 1000 calories at one go. Swimming in laps is also a good idea, swimming just for an hour can burn up to 511 calories at a time. You can even combine 2 activities together to burn 1000 calories. If you feel swimming or jogging twice a day is boring then you can swim for an hour in the evening or jog for an hour in the morning or vice versa. There are many ways to burn 1000 calories that can be healthy, provided you plan your activities in a healthy way.
Cutting back 1000 calories in your diet or being on a 1000 calorie low carb diet is a very drastic change. This diet should only be followed if you want quick weight loss results or want to start a long term weight loss plan.
Even if you are on a 1000 calorie diet for quick weight loss, it should ideally not be followed for more than a week under correct guidance and supervision. A 1000 calorie diet is not only low in most of the vital nutrients but it also restricts food consumption to a greater extent. When you are on a 1000 calorie low carb diet and want to burn 1000 calories a day, your body is convinced that it is in a middle of a famine or in other words your body goes in the starvation mode. Once your body perceives this, the body metabolism rate slows down in order to hold each calorie for as long as possible to conserve energy. When you are keen to lose weight a decreased metabolism is the last thing you want to happen. This is the reason most of the health care specialists recommend to lose not more than 2 pounds in a week with a balance of both calorie intake and calorie output, in other words diet and exercise.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Tip The Scale Tuesday - May 26, 2009
Tip the scale Tuesday is a day for us to do our weekly weigh in. To take part just add your name and blog link to Mr Linky. Also by adding your name and blog to Mr Linky your name will be going in a giveaway. The giveaway is for The Core Balance Diet Book. You can get 2 name entries per week by:
1. Leaving a comment each week on the Tip The Scale weekly weigh in post.
2. Link your weekly weigh in through the weekly Mr Linky post.
You can only do this once a week, but this giveaway will be going for 13 weeks, which if you do this every week, your name will be entered no more than 26 times, if you do both of the above stated. Our last weigh in will be June 30, 2009. I then will draw a name by using
**Blog links that do not show or tell about your weigh in will be removed from Mr. Linky and from the giveaway.**
***US Residents Only - Excludes Alaska & Hawaii***
Good Luck!
Weekly Weigh In - May 26, 2009
I am so happy to see the number going down after the Memorial Day weekend! Whoa, I was a little nervous about going on the scale this morning. My first small goal is to weigh in at 199! I hope to be reaching it soon. I see I'm moving at a very slow pace, so I won't be hitting my first goal of 30 pounds gone by July, oh well, some gone is better then none!
So for this week I went down 1 pound!
Day 26 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
26. 39 Day's Before Vacation!
I only have 39 days left before my vacation in July, and I don't think I will be hitting my goal weight. Though I do feel I will lose some, which is better than none, or even gaining. We take a lot of pictures when we're on our vacation, and I look awful. Plus, my mom seems to get a good butt shot every year of me. Ohhh, I always hate that picture. So, my hope is that I lose at least 10 pounds by vacation. That I think is a reasonable goal.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 25 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
Ok, so my walking path is a little short from 2 miles, but close enough. My mom and I take this route when ever the weather cooperates. It's a really nice walking route in a peaceful neighborhood town. You can make your own routes too. Check out
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day 24 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After an 8 hour sleep, our bodies are starving!
A healthy breakfast is essential in refueling and recharging our bodies. The components of a healthy breakfast include carbohydrates, protein and a small amount of fats.
Some recommendations are:
Whole Grain Cereals
Peanut Butter
Fresh Fruit
Orange, Grapefruit or Pineapple Juice
Click on link for healthy breakfast recipes
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Day 23 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
I found this article from and how this could be me!
Click the link below and check it out...
How Clutter Hinders Weight Loss
Organizing Your House Helps You Lose Weight
Friday, May 22, 2009
Day 22 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
Here's a website that gives a list of different kind of Healthy Pizza Recipes. It also suggests pizza cooking tips. Check it out.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Day 21 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
I found this at
Just think about this for a moment. How many times have you been on a diet when a special occasion has rolled around? If this shoe fits, you probably passed on the luscious celebration goodies and that didn't feel very good, did it?
On one hand, you felt proud because you'd passed up the naughty treats and your willpower had won out. On the other hand, you were frustrated that you had to do such. Then two days later, you may have gotten off your diet. Again, you missed the magic of the moment.
Why couldn't everyone just have been born thin? But they weren't.
Atmosphere, the company, the decorations - all of these elements help comprise the magic of a special occasion - particularly when we're on vacation. And while on vacation, it's important for you to relax, let your hair down, and enjoy!
If you are fixing to head out for vacation, and you are on a diet, please DO enjoy the magic. Three or four days isn't going to make or break your diet scale. YOU are in charge. YOU are in control. YOU are focused. YOU are on track and will just be taking a short, and cautious, break.
Here are a few tips that will allow you to enjoy your vacation without overshadowing you with guilt:
Eat a very light breakfast and go easy at dinner. Try to make lunch your biggest meal of the day.
At the restaurants, if the appetizers are irresistible, as well as those baskets of chips and bread that arrive before your meal, then consider ordering another small appetizer rather than a meal. Go easy on the butter, sour cream and cheese.
Mixed drinks are very high in calories, so carefully decide if you'd rather have some spirits or something solid.
Avoid the salty treats if at all possible. Salty foods tend to make us crave water, thus adding false pounds to the scales. In turn, this may cause a dieter to 'falsely feel' as if they have blown their diet plan.
Make healthy choices, but if there is something that catches your eye on the menu, then go for it.
Be aware of what you eat, but don't obsess. If you think a treat will cause you stress, then pass it up because it's not worth that. The trick is to enjoy your vacation without going on a total binge. This is a great exercise in control that has many benefits for the dieter. Listen to your wise thoughts. Enjoy, but don't binge.
Try to save a bit of room for sampling throughout the day for goodies you may run into along the way.
Buy a cute water bottle and keep it close by during your vacation. Sip from it very often; this will keep you hydrated and quench your thirst. Remember, when you opt for water rather than sugary drinks, your body will naturally crave water rather than the sugary drinks. It's all about adjusting.
You're probably going to be a lot more active on your vacation than your normal daily routine. This will help spend a few of those extra calories.
Enjoy the sights, take a long walk along the beach, or tour a museum. When you move, you burn. If you're with your lover, turn on the heat! Dance, boogie, and enjoy lots of whoopee for a super calorie burn.
Put on your new bathing suit and wear it with pride! Who cares what anyone thinks? You'll probably never see the people on this beach again! And even if you do, who cares? Do you actually sit around thinking about how someone looks in a bathing suit? Of course not! We're all too busy worrying about how WE look. Besides, you're going to donate your bathing suit to a charity anyway, because next summer you're going to need one that's a size smaller, right? Yes.
When you return home, get right back on track with your diet.
Summing it up:
Enjoy your vacation, take in plenty of fun activities, choose foods wisely, get back on track when you arrive home, and don't forget the souvenirs!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Day 20 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
Main dishes such as cheese pizza, macaroni and cheese, cheese souffle, quiche, chili con carne with beans, and even spaghetti and meatballs topped with cheese provide significant amounts of calcium. Bread products prepared with milk, such as pancakes or waffles, also add to your calcium intake.
If you need to increase the calcium in your diet, seek ways to add cheese, milk or yogurt to the foods you prepare. Instead of a hamburger, have a cheeseburger. Top your baked potato with yogurt or cottage cheese instead of butter or sour cream. Not only does this add calcium, it reduces calories.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Day 19 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
Check these out..
- 4 large bananas, peeled and cut into 1 inch slices
- 3/4 cup light hot fudge topping
Freeze bananas. Dip in topping and place in freezer until topping is firm. Serve immediately.
Per serving: calories 376, fat 2.0g, 4% calories from fat, cholesterol 0mg, protein 4.2g, carbohydrates 92.9g, fiber 10.8g, sugar 75.5g, sodium 63mg, diet points 6.0.
Dietary Exchanges: Milk: 0.0, Vegetable: 0.0, Fruit: 4.2, Bread: 0.0, Lean meat: 0.0, Fat: 0.0, Sugar: 1.5, Very lean meat protein: 0.0
- 4 frozen puff pastry shells
- 2 bananas, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch slices
- 8 dates, pitted and chopped
- 1/4 cup chopped walnuts
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
Bake puff pastry shells according to package directions.
Combine bananas, dates and walnuts in a mixing bowl. Sprinkle with lemon juice and toss. Just before serving, spoon fruit mixture into baked puff pastry shells.
Per serving: calories 574, fat 23.2g, 34% calories from fat, cholesterol 0mg, protein 7.2g, carbohydrates 92.6g, fiber 13.1g, sugar 56.0g, sodium 119mg, diet points 11.3.
Dietary Exchanges: Milk: 0.0, Vegetable: 0.0, Fruit: 4.5, Bread: 0.0, Lean meat: 0.0, Fat: 4.2, Sugar: 1.4, Very lean meat protein: 0.2
- 2/3 cup nonfat Italian dressing
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1/4 tsp. ground red pepper
- 11 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1/4 inch-thick strips
- 2 tsp. olive oil
- 1-1/4 medium green bell peppers, chopped
- 3/4 medium onion, chopped
- 3/4 tsp. oregano
- 1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
- 1/4 tsp. ground cumin
- 3 cups cooked rice
- 1-1/4 lbs. canned black beans, drained and rinsed
- 1-1/4 lbs. canned, diced tomatoes
- 3/4 tsp. fresh cilantro, chopped
Combine dressing, garlic, and red pepper in a glass measure or medium glass bowl. Place chicken in large glass bowl, pour dressing over chicken, cover and refrigerate 30-60 minutes (or overnight). Remove chicken from marinade, drain well, discard marinade.
Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat until hot. Add chicken, cook 5-7 minutes, stirring until chicken is slightly brown, spooning off any excess liquid. Add bell peppers, onion, oregano, pepper, and cumin. Cook, stirring 4-5 minutes or until vegetables are tender. Add rice, black beans, and tomatoes. Cook 2-3 minutes more, or until thoroughly heated. Garnish with cilantro, serve immediately.
Courtesy American Dry Bean Board.
Per serving: calories 522, fat 6.5g, 11% calories from fat, cholesterol 66mg, protein 38.4g, carbohydrates 76.6g, fiber 13.1g, sugar 14.3g, sodium 596mg, diet points 8.9.
Dietary Exchanges: Milk: 0.0, Vegetable: 2.0, Fruit: 0.0, Bread: 3.9, Lean meat: 0.0, Fat: 0.7, Sugar: 0.0, Very lean meat protein: 3.0
- 2 large peaches, sliced
- 2 cups blueberries, picked over
- 2 firm bananas, peeled and sliced
- 1/2 lb. Bing cherries, halved and pitted
- 2 cups fresh strawberries, hulled and halved
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup Grand Marnier or other orange liqueur (optional)
- 2 cups plain or vanilla nonfat yogurt
Combine fruit with sugar and Grand Marnier in a large bowl. Toss and transfer to a serving bowl. Serve with yogurt.
Per serving: calories 336, fat 2.5g, 6% calories from fat, cholesterol 2mg, protein 10.8g, carbohydrates 76.3g, fiber 8.7g, sugar 65.2g, sodium 100mg, diet points 5.7.
Dietary Exchanges: Milk: 0.7, Vegetable: 0.0, Fruit: 3.6, Bread: 0.0, Lean meat: 0.0, Fat: 0.0, Sugar: 0.8, Very lean meat protein: 0.0
You can find more high fiber recipes here.
Tip The Scale Tuesday - May 19, 2009
Tip the scale Tuesday is a day for us to do our weekly weigh in. To take part just add your name and blog link to Mr Linky. Also by adding your name and blog to Mr Linky your name will be going in a giveaway. The giveaway is for The Core Balance Diet Book. You can get 2 name entries per week by:
1. Leaving a comment each week on the Tip The Scale weekly weigh in post.
2. Link your weekly weigh in through the weekly Mr Linky post.
You can only do this once a week, but this giveaway will be going for 13 weeks, which if you do this every week, your name will be entered no more than 26 times, if you do both of the above stated. Our last weigh in will be June 30, 2009. I then will draw a name by using
**Blog links that do not show or tell about your weigh in will be removed from Mr. Linky and from the giveaway.**
***US Residents Only - Excludes Alaska & Hawaii***
Good Luck!
Weekly Weigh In - May 19, 2009
It's good to see the number going down, though when I weighed myself on Saturday I was at 200! Of course "TOM" is visiting this week, and I tend to gain a pound or two. So I'm not to disappointed, I'm just hoping for a bigger lost next week. I'm now actually where I was at Week 1!
Weekly Food Log - May 12, 2009 - May 18, 2009
Breakfast 9:30 AM - Hungry 4
Fiber One Yogurt 1 pt
Pancake - 2 pts
2 Tbsp Sugar -2 pts
1 Tbsp Butter - 1 pt
4 pc Bacon - 4 pts
Banana - 2pts
Milk - 2pts
100 Calorie York Peppermint Patty - 2 pts
100 Calorie Hershey - 2 pts
30 Minute Workout @ Curves - Earn 5 Points today I'm allowed a total 31 points!
Water Intake (8oz Servings)
Used 0 WPA , 35 WPA Left.
2 Scrambled Eggs - 5 pts
1 Cup Milk - 2 pts
1 Banana - 2 pts
Lunch 12:00 PM - Hungry 4
1 Cup Salad - 0 pts
2 Tbsp Dressing - 2 pts
1/3 Cup Cottage Cheese - 2 pts
1 Fiber One Yogurt - 1 pt
2 Servings Of Water - 0 pts
Snack 3:30 PM - Hungry 4
Orange - 1 pt
Dinner 5:00 PM - Hungry 5
4 1/2 oz Hamburger - 9 pts
Hamburger Bun - 3 pts
1/3 Cup Cottage Cheese - 2 pts
2 Pickles - 0 pts
1 Cup Watermelon - 1 pt
Hershey 100 Calorie Pack - 2 pts
30 Minute Workout On The Wii - Earned 5 Points today I'm allowed a total 31 points!
Water Intake (8oz Servings)
Used 0 WPA , 35 WPA Left.
Breakfast 8:00 AM Hungry 5
1 Cup Orange Juice - 2 pts
2 Poached Eggs - 4 pts
1/2 Cup Home Fries - 3 pts
2 Teaspoons Jelly - 1 pt
Lunch 1:30 AM - Hungry 3
4 1/2 oz Hamburger - 9 pts
Hamburger Bun - 3 pts
Hershey 100 Calorie Pack - 2 pts
Powdered Doughnut - 5 pts
Snack 8:00 PM - Hungry 2
Shortbread Cookies 100 Calorie Pack - 2 pts
Water Intake (8oz Servings)
Used 7 WPA , 28 WPA Left.
Fiber One Yogurt - 1 pt
Lunch 11:30 AM - Hungry 4
Hot Dog - 5 pts
Hot Dog Bun - 3 pts
Snack 1:00 PM -Hungry 2
2 Chocolate Chip Cookies - 4 pts
Dinner 5:00 PM - Hungry 4
4oz Beef Roast - 5 pts
1/2 Cup Potatoes - 2 pts
1/2 Cup Corn - 1 pt
Water Intake (8oz Servings)
Used 7 WPA , 28 WPA Left.
Fiber One Yogurt - 1 pt
Lunch 11:30 PM - Hungry 5
4 1/2 oz Hamburger - 9 pts
Hamburger Bun - 3 pts
1/3 Cup Cottage Cheese - 2 pts
Dinner 5:00 AM - Hungry 4
2 Hot Dogs w/ Buns - 16 pts
1/2 Cup Potato Salad - 6 pts
Water Intake (8oz Servings)
Used 18 WPA , 17 WPA Left.
1 Pancake - 2 pts
4 Pieces Bac0n - 3 pts
Lunch 12:30 PM - Hungry 4
2 Hot Dogs w/ Buns - 16 pts
Dinner 5:00 PM - Hungry 4
3 Pizza's -12 pts
Water Intake (8oz Servings)
Used 26 WPA , 9 WPA Left.
Chicken Patty Sandwich - 6 pts
Dinner 6:30 PM - Hungry 5
6oz Rib Eye - 8pts
Potato - 2 pts
Cottage Cheese - 2 pts
2 Reese Cups - 2 pts
Water Intake (8oz Servings)
Used 26 WPA , 9 WPA Left.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Minor Setback
I wanted to update everyone that I may be in a minor setback due to tendinitis. For the past month I've been having pain in my left arm. It would come and go, and I put off from going to the doctors because I was hoping the pain would just go away. Well yesterday, I was in so much pain that I ended up going to the emergency room. After about 4 hours of just waiting, I finally got a doctor to see me and about 5 minutes of examining me, he diagnosed me with tendinitis.
I was prescribed 800mg of Motrin and some Vicodin. So today I've been really groggy. My arm still has pain, just not throbbing. The nurse told me t could take a month to heal. So looks like I won't be going to the gym for a bit, because they also gave me a sling to wear for daytime. I haven't been eating much today, but dinner is approaching and I am getting a bit hungry. So well see what happens.
Day 18 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
18. Wii Run With Music
If you don't have the Wii Fit, you should check it out! I just recently unlocked the Free Run.
Free Run lets you change the channel on your TV as you still participate in the Wii Fit Running game! Yes, that’s right-you can literally watch your favorite TV shows or listen to your favorite music while running in place in your living room.
All you have to do is place the Wii remote in your pocket or simply hold it in your right hand.
You will hear the sounds of your Will running through the Wii remote, and you will hear it as you get faster or slower (just like you were watching it on the screen). You will occasionally hear a voice through the Wii remote telling you to keep a steady pace, or that you’re keeping a nice pace. The voice will also let you know when it’s been five minutes, and then at two minutes, one minute, and then down to ten seconds, etc.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Day 17 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
Low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol
High in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate and Manganese
Nutritional Values
Preparation | Serving Size | Carbs | Fiber (g) | Fat (g) | Energy (kj) |
Carrot - peeled, boiled | 1/2 cup (70g) | 4 | 2 | 0 | 80 |
Babby Carrot - peeled, raw | 50g | 3 | 2 | 0 | 55 |
Carrot - canned | 100g | 4 | 3 | 0 | 85 |
Carrot Juice | 125ml | 8 | 5 | 0 | 165 |
Low in Saturated Fat, Sodium, and Cholesterol
High in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamin E, Thiamin, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Copper
Nutritional Values
Preparation | Serving Size | Carbs | Fiber (g) | Fat (g) | Energy (kj) |
Tomato - raw | 1 medium (130g) | 2.5 | 1.5 | 0 | 75 |
Tomato - canned in juice | 250g | 8 | 3 | 0.5 | 195 |
Tomato Paste | 1 tablespoon | 2 | 1 | 0 | 50 |
Tomato Puree | 250g | 13 | 5 | 0.5 | 300 |
Sundried Tomatoes - natural | 5 pieces (10g) | 5.5 | 1 | 0.5 | 110 |
Sundried Tomatoes - in oil, drained | 3 pieces (10g) | 2.5 | 0.5 | 1.5 | 90 |
Brussell Sprouts
Low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol
High in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Potassium, Manganese, Riboflavin, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorus
Nutritional Values
Preparation | Serving Size | Carbs | Fiber (g) | Fat (g) | Energy (kj) |
Raw Brussel Sprouts | 100g | 2 | 4 | 0 | 100 |
- Low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol
- High in Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Folate, Potassium, Manganese, Vitamin A, Thiamin, Vitamin B6, Calcium, Iron and Magnesium
Nutritional Values
Preparation | Serving Size | Carbs | Fiber (g) | Fat (g) | Energy (kj) |
Chinese Cabbage - raw | 1/2 cup 40g | 0 | 1 | 0 | 14 |
Chinese Flowering Cabbage (Pak Choi) - raw | 40g | 0 | 1 | 0 | 20 |
Mustard Cabbage (Dai Gai Choi) - raw | 75g | 0.5 | 2 | 0 | 45 |
Red Cabbage - raw | 40g | 1 | 2 | 0 | 40 |
Red Cabbage - cooked | 1/2 cup 60g | 2 | 2 | 0 | 50 |
Savoy Cabbage - raw | 1/2 cup 60g | 1 | 2 | 0 | 40 |
Savoy Cabbage - cooked | 1/2 cup 60g | 1 | 1 | 0 | 30 |
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Day 16 - May 2009 30 Day Self Challenge
What inspires me? Not models, that's for sure. It's real women who have been where I am. Women who have been over weigh and have succeeded on weight loss. When I see a before and after picture of women who lost weight, that just get's me more motivated and inspired. If they are able to do it, then I should be able to.
What also inspires me, is real bodies. What do I mean by real bodies? Real bodies are every day women who may be born skinny by looking good. They don't have a personal trainer, they don't have a make up artist coming into their home to doll them up, it's just the good looking fit women out there who don't flaunt their appearance, but do look good. I'm not sure why these people inspire me, but they do.


Conger Clan

The Schipaanboord's

A Note From Luvey
Weight Loss Is Possible!


Great Weight Loss!
Another one of my goals and inspirations is, that I want to be an inspiration to others. I want to post a before and after pic of me, to show that it can be done!